Human trafficking means recruitment, transportation, transfer, concealment or reception of people by threatening to use or the very use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or dependence or giving or receiving money or benefits to obtain the consent of the person having authority over another person, for the purposes of its operation; exploitation includes the minimum use for the purpose of prostitution of another person or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or activities similar to slavery, dependence or the removal of bodily organs.
The United States is the country with the fiercest fight against human trafficking, and sex trafficking in particular. Recent studies show that a very large percentage of the total number of victims of human trafficking are forced into prostitution or engage in other commercialized forms of sex. Among them, the largest share falls on women and children. 33% of women victims of trafficking are sold into sexual slavery and prostitution, 23% of girls under 21, 11% of girls under 18, 10% of boys under 18, and only 1% of men.
A total of 89% of victims of trafficking in prostitution want to leave, but criminal networks keep them trapped.
Nearly 800,000 people fall victim to trafficking each year, and the profits of traffickers amount to $ 8 billion to $ 10 billion. More than 17,000 people are smuggled into the United States through illegal trafficking, more than 5,000 of them from Europe.
You may be asked to participate in human trafficking awareness and prevention training due to of a professional or legal order. The soar course provided by OnlineSoar is nationally recognized and is developed to meet the national statutory requirements as well as the general continuing professional education (CPE) and continuing professional development (CPD) requirements. In addition, our human trafficking courses cover the legal, court, judge, parole or probation officer, state, employer and other standards.
Furthermore, a large percentage of employers require their employees to complete such a soar program in order to be aware of the signs of human trafficking and to be able to recognize both victims and traffickers. Employees are usually required to be aware of the human trafficking laws and statutory requirements and to be able to report such cases. For that purpose, they traditionally have to go through soar certification within 2 months from their hire and to renew both their knowledge and certificate at least annually thereafter.
OnlineSoar invites you to take part in our completely online human trafficking certification with durability from 1 up to 12 hours. Our programs are developed by a certified specialist in the field of human trafficking and are known to be widely recognized by courts and employers across the United States. The program’s prices start from $24.99 and have no hidden fees or additional costs.
OnlineSoar invites you to take part in self-paced, self-study and completely online soar education. However, many of our customers are worried about whether this is the right course for them. While in some states this course can be found under the name soar program, in other entities call it training in human trafficking or human trafficking awareness class. And because we understand that the variety of names under which you can find this program creates unnecessary confusion, we've prepared a list which contains the different names under which you can recognize the human trafficking class.
So, this is the right program for you If the court or employer asked you to take part in:
Finally, in case you have not found the course you need to take among the mentioned above, please feel free to contact us for further information about the human trafficking educational classes! © · 2025